Illumination and Completion in the Process of Death™

The Illumination and Completion in the Process of Death training has the purpose of opening our knowledge by true initiation of the sacred process of death, awakening in us the fullness of the Supreme State of Awareness, transcendence and complete mystical self–realization. The one–day training fulfills this purpose with:

  • Lecture material that fully explains the actual process of death.
  • Clarification processes to recognize specific ego dynamics and beliefs that obscure our entering the State of Complete Transcendence.
  • Meditations that awaken our understanding of Truth, Light and Love.
  • A video lecture by Oscar that further clarifies the process of death and the real truth behind a “good” death.
  • Ceremonies to transform our experience of death.
  • A series of meditations where initiation, embodiment and direct approximation with the Divine open the way for the Supreme State of Contemplation of the Enlightened Mind to be attained.
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