Couple for Evolution™

The Couple for Evolution training is a two–day training for couples and singles alike. This training, though geared towards the couple process, is also invaluable for understanding relationships in general. The training revolves around the Key of the Couple, which includes the Couple of Fulfillment, the Conventional Couple, the Sentimental Couple, the Couple for Evolution, and the Essential Couple. Specific enneagrams relate to each aspect of a couple’s process and the Work builds upon the process of these enneagrams. The antidotes to the negative structures then open the way into the State of Awareness that unites us with the Divine. The result of the training is an ongoing method that the participant can practice in order to re–enter The State and attain the highest level of an essential, spiritual life—a life where love, happiness and joy abound, which is also reflected in the couple process.

The training includes breathing and movement exercises, meditations, an offering, orientation process, Key Group processes, written processes, meditations with a partner, lecture material, and examples.

A booklet is provided for each person in the training, for note–taking, processing and referring to the Key of the Couple, enneagrams, lecture material, meditations, the offering, and meditation information. Because of the information being presented in the booklet, the training can be easily assimilated and processed by newcomers to the Work.

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